Important Things That Every Electrician Needs To know

Electrical contractors in all the cities around the world face a lot of challenges in their line of duty. First, dealing with electricity is dangerous and needs specialised skills. Second, clients expect more from electricians and lastly, electricians are expected to work during odd hours in times of emergency. Using torque wrench Electricians should use a torque wrench when tightening electrical connections to avoid over-tightening the connections because this can damage the conductors. Over-tightening bolts can also stress the material and this can result in the bolt failing during an electrical fault. Sometimes, electricians over-tighten connections. If you ever remove the conductors and you find out that the strands are damaged then there are high chances that you over-tightened the connections. Using a Megger You should use a Megger before energising, anytime you de-energised or after a fault. If you don’t use a Megger, you will place your...